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Powerful Presentations (Prise de parole en public en anglais...sans stress!)


Do you make presentations in English online or in-person, or speak in front of clients and colleagues? Join me for a workshop to help you do this with confidence, even if you are not bilingual.
You'll learn techniques to deliver your message clearly and impactfully, tips for your pronunciation in English and how to manage questions. I'll also give you some phrases that you can use for a great presentation.
This will be a practical and interactive workshop, and I promise you'll have fun.
About Catherine: I'm the founder of Aygen Training, a training organisation specialised in professional English and international business communication. I'm originally from the UK and I've been working in adult-learning for more than 20 years.

L’inscription à l'atelier est gratuite mais obligatoire.
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Powerful Presentations (Prise de parole en public en anglais...sans stress!)